16 July 2010

I Write Like Who?

This I Write Like analyzer that's making the rounds is good for fifteen minutes or so of amusement. I plugged in some of my own prose and was informed my writing style resembles that of Ursula K Le Guin, whom I've yet to read. Things got more interesting when I read online that Mel Gibson rants in the style of Margaret Atwood, while Margaret Atwood herself writes more like Stephen King.

This sparked some ideas, so I tried plugging in various texts with the following illuminating results:

The Declaration of Independence - H. P. Lovecraft
Christian Bale's infamous Terminator tirade - James Joyce
Hitler's Mein Kampf - Mary Shelley
The King James version of Genesis - Kurt Vonnegut
Barack Obama's Inaugural Address - H. P. Lovecraft
Hamlet's "To Be" soliloquy - Mark Twain
Nixon's Checkers speech - H. P. Lovecraft
Brando's monologue from On the Waterfront - William Gibson
Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech - Margaret Mitchell
John Lennon's "more popular than Jesus" quote - Kurt Vonnegut
Kurt Cobain's suicide note - Dan Brown
Christopher Walken's watch monologue from Pulp Fiction - J. D. Salinger
This blog post - David Foster Wallace

A few snickers, a few tears. Politicians seem overwhelmingly to evoke the name Lovecraft, which would indicate Cthulhu mythos pervades the corridors of power. Little surprise there.

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