17 June 2011

Bloomsday in New York

Bloomsday in New York kicked off long before I did behind the library in Bryant Park, where breakfast was served to the assembled James Joyce enthusiasts. Arriving late, I failed to note if mutton kidney was the main offering, but anyone familiar with the Calypso chapter of Ulysses knows it would've been appropriate. Many readers recited lengthy passages from the novel and many of the audience wore period costumes. The Cyclops chapter was a real crowd pleaser. Uninformed parkgoers approached on tiptoe, curious as to what all the kerfuffle was about.

That evening another reading took place at the Brooklyn Lyceum. This one was headed by "resident Joycean scholar," Emmet McGowan. Many volunteers contributed and much Guinness was consumed. The evening was mischievously dedicated to the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice.

Yet another event took place at the Housing Works Bookstore in Soho, the highlight of which was a humorous fifteen minute encapsulation of the weighty tome for those who may not have gotten around to reading it for themselves, or for those in need of a quick refresher. Music was provided by the indie all-star band, Bambi Kino. Unfortunately my phone decided not to save any of these photos, so you'll have to take my word that it happened.

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