08 June 2006

Bloodsport & Burlesque

Sat in a restaurant in Chelsea eavesdropping on my table neighbors who were discussing movies. They reached the consensus that DaVinci Code was great but Napoleon Dynamite sucked. One of them did his best to defend Dynamite, but was ultimately shouted down by the others who insisted the film simply had no merit. They also discussed the financial status of Jean-Claude Van Damme, how much he raked in for his various movies & so forth.

Tonight was Molly Crabapple's Burlesque for Choice at the Lucky Cat Lounge in Brooklyn. My favorite performer was Lady Satan, who came onstage dressed as Joan Crawford, wielding a dastardly coathanger, & rather psychotically disrobed to Danzig's "Mother." Also eyecatching was an auto mechanic in the Rosy the Riveter mold named Little Brooklyn whose instruments of flirtation consisted of some hubcaps & a wrench. By the end of the evening the organizers had raised $1500 in raffle money which will be going to Planned Parenthood to fight the South Dakota Senate ban on abortion.

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