29 October 2010

Brooklyn Transit Museum

The Brooklyn Transit Museum in downtown Brooklyn, housed inside a former subway station. Where old trains go after they die to be preserved like mechanical mummies. Worth a trip if you're into vintage New Yorkia.

A 5443 Lo-V from 1924. Like riding in a German tank.

And interior.

A BMT 1407 dating from 1907. Classy ride, eh?

An R-11 #8013 prototype from 1949. Looks like the interior of an aqua-submarine. Note the portholes.

A BMT Q-Type #1612C. Originally from 1907, rebuilt in 1938. Paint job by the Crayola Factory, presumably.

Advertising was so quaintly earnest in those days.

The IRT R-15 from 1950, the first to contain an air conditioning unit.

Inside an IND R-7A / R-10 1575 from 1938.

1 comment:

Ginger Ingenue said...

Oh Wow. I wish I could be there!!

I want to sit on the yellow seats; look out the portholes in the aqua-submarine; read the old advertisements; and most of all, visit the 1938 model, and pretend it's a time machine. Maybe hole up there, and write a novel.


Such lovely photographs! Thank you for sharing. :)