25 March 2005


Walking home, I heard a fire truck racing madly down the street, cars swerving to either side, pedestrians diving out of the way. What if it's my house that's on fire, I thought. Everything I own, gone. The material manifestations of my existence wiped out in one short afternoon. Freeing in a sense, but mostly tragic. Especially concerning that which I have produced from nothingness. The contents of notebooks, computer files, recordings, all returning to the nothingness from whence it came. I'm not prepared for that kind of purification right now, quite frankly.

I watched as the fire engine continued down the road without turning down my street. Wait, I protested, you're going the wrong way! I continued on, lamenting the fact that by the time they finally got their directions straight & their course reversed, my identity will have burned to cinders.

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